make money online

Struggling to Make Money Online ? 

When you first start a business you need to identify a product that you can sell on the open market at a profit, which usually rules out MLM products as most are overpriced, with even distributors struggling to move products at even the distributor price.

What if I told you there was a popular product drunk by millions of people on a daily basis, made from 100% natural product, which not only satisfies people thirst but has the added advantage of helping people to lose weight..

The number of overweight people throughout the world is increasing alarmingly, such that governments like the UK are considering a sugar tax on popular fizzy drinks. During my work every day I see many overweight people and watch them struggle to complete simple tasks. Perhaps I am one of the lucky few who was throughout my life been able to keep my weight within controllable limits.

Having a product that sells well and makes money online is a great start for any business, however you need also to be able to market the product. The milliennials and older make heavy use of social media, so this is where you need to focus your advertising and any sites you use must be set up to be mobile friendly. I use a system called MarketHive which enables me to get my message across to millions of people with the simple push of a button.

I suppose that the hardest part of the processof making money online is actually writing the blog posts, but even here the MarketHive system has what is called blog swipe where you can edit and use someone else's blog, adding your own twist to the story and pointing it to your own capture pages. It does not become much easier than this.

Unlike a traditional MLM, you will find the members of MarketHive's business and social network are a friendly bunch, willing to help one another achieve their goals, even though they may be in different lines of the business. this cooperation is the root of MarketHive's success.

If you have struggled in the past to make money online, like I have in the past, this could be a life changer, please contact me if you want more details.


David Ogden

Helping People Help themselves.



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Complete turnkey progam to making money online

Do you want to get a head start in Affiliate marketing ? One of the best way to achieve success is to learn from someone who is already successful such as Mark Ling. This millionaire has recently produce a free report which gives a I recently read an amazing free report which behind-the-scenes look into how he builds his affiliate websites. The report only available for a limited time! Download it while you still can:

Mark has been around since the 90’s when he decided to launch his online business rather than work for someone else. his first paycheck was enough for him to see the potential, that building more website would produce a six figure income, so I downloaded his ebook to find out more.
One of the reasons I trust Mark and bothered to download his book in the first place is that I know he’s one of the good guys. After struggling at two minimum wage jobs, he built his first affiliate website in the 90s. And after his first paycheck, he knew this was it. He kept building more websites, and started earning a six-figure income online.

Working online does carry some risks and just one bad decision cost him his wealth and put him into debt and back to a normal job. Not satisfied with his income and still believing that affiliate marketing had more to offer he tried again and built a business which earns him a seven figure income and he is now sharing his experience with others from around the world.

Learn the 5 Money-Making Steps Mark Takes for Each Website

The report, reveals the five steps he takes and uses as a template for building websites, which provides a behind the scenes view of his money earning sites. You can follow this master craftsman at work for free.

Learn the 11 Affiliate Marketing Niches You Should Be In

Mark reveals the importance of of niche marketing and being in the correct niche, his websites concentrate on 11 successful niche areas which he considers you need to consider when starting out with affiliate marketing. If you choose the wrong niche it will hold you back. not sure what your website should be about, this list will help you decide.

Learn How to Uncover the Best Affiliate Marketing Products to Promote

Mark’s free report, guides you into picking the right product, product choice is very important so you need to get it right before you start otherwise you will risk a lot of time,effort and money promoting the wrong website, it makes sense to use the contents of this report in order to produce a site that converts visitors into customers.

But That Isn’t’t Enough: You Need to Watch the Webinar Series

The report on its own is great, however when you are getting started there is always more information to learn and additional tips which Mark did not have space to put in this report can be obtained by additional complimentary webinars. Webinars will run for a limited time and you will have the opportunity to sigh up for them, such as his secret traffic methods.

The Report is Fantastic, so Download it While You Still Can

This report is only available for free for a limited time. It is packed with step-by-step information that shows you how millionaire Mark Ling builds his money-making websites. If you want to be successful like him, then download the report right now, and read it as soon as possible:

David Ogden

Making Money Online as an Affiliate

I have decided that is time to take a calculated risk and make a change in direction for my main income stream. At the end of last year I withdrew from Multi Level Marketing activities because I fee it is not ethical to sell products at inflated prices and encourage people to become distributors in the hope that they will be able to earn an income selling to friends and family.

I am going to re start an Affiliate marketing business which last produced me income some five years ago. I love helping people so I am going to run a test my taking up a challenge from Ewan Chia who has made millions out of Affiliate Marketing and has recently launched a new automated system to make money.
According to his sales literature requires non of the following:-

  • prior experience or skills
  • a website or squeeze page
  • building a list
  • a domain name
  • web hosting
  • technical knowledge
  • any programming
  • any graphic design work
  • any copywriting
  • any knowledge of how to drive traffic

This actually goes against everything I have done for the past 15 years online and I am certainly skeptical, but what if it works and I can earn money just by copying and pasting text, an activity that is not really recommended.

Is Affiliate marketing that easy? There must be a catch. Ewan has even offered a money back guarantee so I am intrigued and going to take the system for a test run and will report back when when my system is up and running, which I expect will be after the weekend as I am busy for the next few days.

Well this is interesting before I could complete this post I have made my first sale so perhaps Ewan really has something, or is this beginners luck, time will tell.

David Ogden

David Ogden