First Came The Light Bulb Then Customer Cenrtic KEO Smart Home Automation

KEO Smart Home Automation is the most Customer Centric Network Marketing business model in the industry. Here's how it works.

A network marketer wants to become a distributor they can do so for no charge. They can sign up as many distributors as they want at no charge. No one makes any money when they sign up a distributor. This is a huge departure from the traditional network marketing company model. So how does anyone make any money you are probably asking?

Everyone only gets paid when they activate a customer. Customers drive the revenue and KEO realizes that without them there is no company so they are the number one priority, ie. Customer Centric. A distributor can be their own customer but to be a distributor one does not have to be a customer. So anyone can sign up and be a distributor, not be a customer, but make money by activation new customers. 

Customers do not have to be distributors, and they can utilize the full system.

The pay scale is huge since the percentage made from each customer is a constant for at least the term of the customer contract [History shows that people stay well beyone their contract]. To the distributor they get paid a CAB bonus [Customer Acquisition Bonus] along with a monthly residual. No one can every be coded out of income but income grows with performance. With this model a person can truly achieve financial freedom and realize their dreams.

To learn mode simply go to and read all about it.

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If so I would greatly appreciate it if you would go to the bottom and comment and also share on Facebook and Twitter. Also if you have questions please tweet them to me at #askdrray and I will answer them in a blog post.

Raymond Jewell’s Blog

Skype: rbjewell

“I Teach You The Strategies To Build You’re Business On A Solid Footing Thus Driving Massive Success.”

PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people),  you might want to click on “Work With Me” on my blog and I will show you how you can build an amazing income by attracting many interested people in a very non-traditional network marketing model. We have a revolutionary new business model that rewards people for their efforts, handsomely. You can truly achieve your financial freedom through our program.







David Ogden

First Came The Light Bulb Then Customer Cenrtic JAQX Smart Home Automation

JAQX Smart Home Automation is the most Customer Centric Network Marketing business model in the industry. Here's how it works.

A network marketer wants to become a distributor they can do so for no charge. They can sign up as many distributors as they want at no charge. No one makes any money when they sign up a distributor. This is a huge departure from the traditional network marketing company model. So how does anyone make any money you are probably asking?

Everyone only gets paid when they activate a customer. Customers drive the revenue and JAQX realizes that without them there is no company so they are the number one priority, ie. Customer Centric. A distributor can be their own customer but to be a distributor one does not have to be a customer. So anyone can sign up and be a distributor, not be a customer, but make money by activation new customers. 

Customers do not have to be distributors, and they can utilize the full system.

The pay scale is huge since the percentage made from each customer is a constant for at least the term of the customer contract [History shows that people stay well beyone their contract]. To the distributor they get paid a CAB bonus [Customer Acquisition Bonus] along with a monthly residual. No one can every be coded out of income but income grows with performance. With this model a person can truly achieve financial freedom and realize their dreams.

To learn mode simply go to and read all about it.

Did this article help you?

If so I would greatly appreciate it if you would go to the bottom and comment and also share on Facebook and Twitter. Also if you have questions please tweet them to me at #askdrray and I will answer them in a blog post.

Raymond Jewell’s Blog

Skype: rbjewell

“I Teach You The Strategies To Build You’re Business On A Solid Footing Thus Driving Massive Success.”

PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people),  you might want to click on “Work With Me” on my blog and I will show you how you can build an amazing income by attracting many interested people in a very non-traditional network marketing model. We have a revolutionary new business model that rewards people for their efforts, handsomely. You can truly achieve your financial freedom through our program.







David Ogden – Http://