Does You’re Home Talk To You?

Does your home talk to you?

Mine does and I learn a lot from it. 

I can learn what is on and what is not. If I left something on and I shouldn't have. If I closed my garage door or left it open. Has anyone opened a door, or better yet left it open. I could go on and on about the joys of having a total home automation but one very important point your home can tell you is how much money you are saving. 

When you have a home automation system, first of all your home owners insurance will go down considerably. But further you will save money on you utilities. Your electric will come down a lot when you are paying attention to your systems. A good home automation system will even tell you how much you are saving. 

If you have not looked into home automation you should, particually not since the cost have come down and it's now possible to install it yourself. With the wireless technoloigy you can plud and play [DIY] with ease. If you want to learn more just go to and read about how easy it is to get. 

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