Linux Ubuntu 14 Free Alternative to Windows 10

Linux Ubuntu Alternative to Windows

You may be forgiven for thinking that Ubuntu is a foreign   language, perhaps African in origin, however the truth is it is a an Open source computer operation system often used to run computer servers.

I was introduced to Ubuntu a month ago when looking to replace my Window XP system which is no longer supported by Microsoft. I have a Windows 8 system running on a laptop and have never really been happy with the way it works. The thought of paying out again for a new system with potential bugs and security issues was daunting, so I looked at Linux Ubuntu.

Open source means free, so can a free system be better than one you pay for, well after one month of use I believe so, It takes up less space and can run on computers with lower specification that those in the shops today. I am considering loading Ubuntu onto an old Dell computer purchased some 10 years ago as a machine for my son.

Software wise, I migrated from Microsoft word and Excel some years ago using open source products from Open Office and Libre Office which are fully compatible, there is a small learning curve. Not many people use the full power of Excel and I believe Librecalc is able to meet most requirements. For a full comparison between Libra Office and Microsoft Office

You need to check the software you use to see that it will operate on Linux systems main browsers have Linux versions. I had to replace my financial system Quicken with Moneydance, this caused a minor headache and would have been best to have done at the end of the financial year, but I am now up and running. I do not play games so cannot speak of support in that area, however Skype, Thunderbird, Gmail, Ivocalise , Kodi media system and Viber all work fine. I have also installed Kazam to replace my Cam video system.

Changing operating systems had one great advantage, giving an opportunity to clean up my disk drives. Over the years I have collected software that I may have only used one or two times, they have now gone. Virtually all my data is held on an external Drive, so in event of computer failure, I can access my data on a laptop. I store backups on hard drives, which is kind of reverse to usual, but works for me as I have moved houses many times, and can work from a laptop until my tower unit catches me up.

Ubuntu is certainly faster than XP, I have not checked out windows 8 but intend to replace the operating system on my laptop with Ubuntu, knowing that Kodi which we use for streaming TV and films works better on Ubuntu.

I have also set up an Ubuntu group on MarketHive to help out fellow members


David Ogden
Helping people help themselves

David Ogden

FTC and The New Age In Network Marketing

I recently did a Podcast on the "FTC and The New Age In Network Marketing".

There is a coming change in the Network Marketing Business Space and you should be aware of it. 

As an economist I have always wondered where network marketing went wrong. I think its the greed factor that forced the network marketing companies to focus on getting distributors instead of getting customers. No business can survive financially by having more distributors than customers and I explain this in my podcast. 

You can listen to the whole podcast by Clicking here

Dr. Raymond Jewell
Raymond Jewell's Blog


David Ogden